- Get the MX target and preference of a name:
import dns.resolver
answers = dns.resolver.query('dnspython.org', 'MX')
for rdata in answers:
print('Host', rdata.exchange, 'has preference', rdata.preference)
Transfer a zone from a server and print it with the names
sorted in DNSSEC order:
import dns.query
import dns.zone
z = dns.zone.from_xfr(dns.query.xfr('', 'dnspython.org'))
names = z.nodes.keys()
for n in names:
Use DNS dynamic update to set the address of a host
to a value specified on the command line:
import dns.query
import dns.tsigkeyring
import dns.update
import sys
keyring = dns.tsigkeyring.from_text({
'host-example.' : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=='
update = dns.update.Update('dyn.test.example', keyring=keyring)
update.replace('host', 300, 'a', sys.argv[1])
response = dns.query.tcp(update, '')
Manipulate domain names:
import dns.name
n = dns.name.from_text('www.dnspython.org')
o = dns.name.from_text('dnspython.org')
print(n.is_subdomain(o)) # True
print(n.is_superdomain(o)) # False
print(n > o) # True
rel = n.relativize(o) # rel is the relative name 'www'
n2 = rel + o
print(n2 == n) # True
print(n.labels) # (b'www', b'dnspython', b'org', b'')
Generate reverse mapping information
# Usage: reverse.py ...
# This demo script will load in all of the zones specified by the
# filenames on the command line, find all the A RRs in them, and
# construct a reverse mapping table that maps each IP address used to
# the list of names mapping to that address. The table is then sorted
# nicely and printed.
# Note! The zone name is taken from the basename of the filename, so
# you must use filenames like "/wherever/you/like/dnspython.org" and
# not something like "/wherever/you/like/foo.db" (unless you're
# working with the ".db" GTLD, of course :)).
# If this weren't a demo script, there'd be a way of specifying the
# origin for each zone instead of constructing it from the filename.
import dns.zone
import dns.ipv4
import os.path
import sys
reverse_map = {}
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
zone = dns.zone.from_file(filename, os.path.basename(filename),
for (name, ttl, rdata) in zone.iterate_rdatas('A'):
l = reverse_map.get(rdata.address)
if l is None:
l = []
reverse_map[rdata.address] = l
keys = reverse_map.keys()
keys.sort(lambda a1, a2: cmp(dns.ipv4.inet_aton(a1), dns.ipv4.inet_aton(a2)))
for k in keys:
v = reverse_map[k]
l = map(str, v) # convert names to strings for prettier output
print(k, l)
Convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to/from their
corresponding DNS reverse map names:
import dns.reversename
n = dns.reversename.from_address("")
Convert E.164 numbers to/from their
corresponding ENUM names:
import dns.e164
n = dns.e164.from_e164("+1 650 555 1212")